OEM-udskiftning OLYMPUS E 450 Batterigreb
- Kode:28001
- Størrelse: 138.40x112.70x76.90mm
- Vægt: 340g
- Farve: Sort
- Speciel Pris:679.2 DKK
- Forsendelsesomkostninger: 111.99 DKK
Battery Grip Holder for Olympus E5 E3 E30 E450
This battery grip takes up to 2 BLM-1 /PS-BLM1/ BLM-5 batteries.It is ideal in situations where you want to take a large number of shots without replacing batteries.
The shutter button on the grip allows you to take pictures while holding the camera vertically. It turns your E5 / E3 / E30 / E450 into a truly professional grade DSLR. The vertical shutter supports auto-focus and shutter in Bulb mode. There are also dedicated buttons for adjusting aperture and shutter speeds.
Installation is simple.
1.Make sure that the camera is OFF before installation;
2.Remove the BLM-1 /PS-BLM1/ BLM-5 batteries from the camera;
3.Remove the battery compartment cover of the camera and store it in the battery gri
Finde andre dele af din OLYMPUS E-450
Dette E-450 batteri kan kompatibelt til følgende batterigreb reservedelsnummer:
- HLD-4,
Dette E-450 batteri kan benyttes til følgende Modeller:
- E5,
- E450,
- E30,
- E3,
- E-5,
- E-450,
- E-30,
- E-3,