OEM-udskiftning OLYMPUS E5 Batterigreb
- Kode:28001
- Størrelse: 138.40x112.70x76.90mm
- Vægt: 340g
- Farve: Sort
- Speciel Pris:679.2 DKK
- Forsendelsesomkostninger: 111.99 DKK
Battery Grip Holder for Olympus E5 E3 E30 E450
This battery grip takes up to 2 BLM-1 /PS-BLM1/ BLM-5 batteries.It is ideal in situations where you want to take a large number of shots without replacing batteries.
The shutter button on the grip allows you to take pictures while holding the camera vertically. It turns your E5 / E3 / E30 / E450 into a truly professional grade DSLR. The vertical shutter supports auto-focus and shutter in Bulb mode. There are also dedicated buttons for adjusting aperture and shutter speeds.
Installation is simple.
1.Make sure that the camera is OFF before installation;
2.Remove the BLM-1 /PS-BLM1/ BLM-5 batteries from the camera;
3.Remove the battery compartment cover of the camera and store it in the battery gri
Finde andre dele af din OLYMPUS E5
Dette E5 batteri kan kompatibelt til følgende batterigreb reservedelsnummer:
- HLD-4,
Dette E5 batteri kan benyttes til følgende Modeller:
- E5,
- E450,
- E30,
- E3,
- E-5,
- E-450,
- E-30,
- E-3,